Pit Stick
Maybe you're like me: I wore artificially-scented, toxic, antiperspirant deodorant for decades. It was the one thing I held on to...literally all of my household cleaners and body care products were as natural as can be. Except the product I put in my arm pits nestled up next to my lymph system and breast tissue.
I made the switch to a natural deodorant a few years ago and found I had to reapply a few times a day to keep the stink at bay. Not ideal. But better.
Until! THIS DEODORANT. My good friend makes it, so I tried it. It works! Like the best ever. I apply once - *one time* - between showers.
Optional: eco glitter!
100% made in Montana, USA. Very little scent at all. All genders love it!
beeswax, coconut oil, baking soda, arrowroot powder, lavender, and peppermint essential oils