38 things

38 things

Posted by nici holt cline on

I missed last year! And the year before! Both drafts are immortalized as drafts. Things happen that way and I’ve found – as I age – it is often best to give in than to muscle through.

Click to read: 30 things, 31 things, 32 things, 33 things, 34 things, 35 things

My birthday weekend began with a snowshoe into my friend’s cabin with girlfriends. We pulled our gear up a super steep hill, making that mountaintop beer so so delicious.


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mother love

mother love

Nici Holt Cline
By Nici Holt Cline

It’s Earth Day today and maybe you’re like me and want to do more than we’re already doing and not feel shamed/paralyzed by what ELSE...

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like it counts

like it counts

By Amanda Turpen

My dad has this exquisite way of being both measured and spontaneous. His life’s successes were built on that winning combination. “Everything in moderation.” is...

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